March 17, 2003

At what price

Natalie Maines, lead singer of the Dixie Chicks told a London audience she is "ashamed President Bush is from Texas". I'm ashamed he comes from our country. I'd go so far as to say I'm ashamed he is our President. He is alienating us from every other country on the face of the earth. His isolationist attitude is going to hang us out to dry. You cannot be self sufficient in a Global Economy. The whole structure requires that everyone participate. If one does not, it all falls down like a house of cards.

What is wrong with this country? This is one of the few countries where you can disagree openly with your government without recrimination. In fact, it's part of our freedom. So, why are so many turning on those of us who have the guts to speak out. If you have a forum that allows you a voice, I think it is your obligation to use that voice for the betterment of all. I for one, take this obligation seriously.

You must realize that even when we win this war, and it's a given that we will, it will set in motion a chain of events that will bring about the demise of the greatest nation on earth, and change the face of the world forever. Not in a good way, I'll bet. In essence, we will win the battle (Iraq), but ultimately, lose the war (the future). AT WHAT PRICE MR. BUSH?

Even Ted Kopel called the summit Bush and Co. had this past weekend is nothing but a smoke screen. Since they've already said there's no way now that their resolution will pass in the Security Council. So what the Hell were they talking about? Maybe they went out to the links to work on their PUTZ!

Well, here it comes. This is now Monday, March 17, 2003. Tonight our illustrious leader declares war on the world at large. If we win handily, what or who will be the next target? If you think it will stop with Iraq, you don't know the person in charge as well as you think you do. I understood the Gulf War. At least it was under the pretext on protecting an invaded nation. But this is over weapons nobody can find and no one is really sure existed as all. I don't find this a clear reason for war. We have become WAY to paranoid for anybody's good. It will come back to bite us in the ASS!

I do not blame our troops, they are only following orders, whether they agree with them or not. It's their job. They really don't know what's behind all of this. I blame their Commander and Chief. He and his inner circle are the only ones who know why they are laying their lives on the line. And some of us who can see through the smoke and mirrors know and say more than the Administration would like. I think old George should pick up a gun himself and go fight his war and leave our YOUNG men and women out of it.

If we invade Iraq under these baseless claims, we will be no better than Saddam Hussein himself. We have not been provoked into this war. It has nothing to do with September 11, 2001. I take offense to Mr. Bush suggesting otherwise. And the families of those who died in the 9-11 attacks shouldn't want their loved ones memories being tainted by this war. There were no Iraqis involved in 9-11 and Mr. Bush has yet to find a definite paper trail from the terrorists back to Iraq. Yet he insists on injecting the words "NINE ELEVEN" into every speech he gives on the impending war. That's because he knows it's the only thing that will make most of the lemmings in this country patriotic about the war.

I choose to dissent against the possibility of war in hopes that PEACE breaks out!

Posted by cdedwards at March 17, 2003 09:54 PM
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