April 04, 2003

A Letter to the World at Large

As I watch my television and get our everyday dose of war, I see images of people from far off lands. I see the anger in their eyes. I see the hatred on their faces. I can feel the contempt in every fiber of their bodies. I wonder, do they know how we feel about all this? Do they know the fear we are fed every day? Do they understand the distrust our government breeds into us with our morning Wheaties? Can they comprehend the self-loathing we feel over the way our own leaders have destroyed our good name in the world? Do they realize we are now no better off than most third world dictatorships? I hope so. In that hope I write the following:

Dear people of the world,

I would like to plead with you for my country. I would ask that you take into account that the current leaders of the United States are NOT there at the will of their people. They stole what some of us hold most sacred in this land. Free and unobstructed elections. It is not supposed to work the way it did in 2000. I personally, would like to appologize for the stupidity of my fellow Americans. They have been led down a primrose path without acknowledging the thorns beneath their feet.

I don't understand why so many people in this country, after disagreeing with our leaders over just about everything, fall in line behind them in this genecide they are about. It is a common misconception that to disagree in times of war is unpatriotic. I don't know who ever told them that, but it couldn't be further from the truth. Our Constitution is built on the premise of free speech and the freedom to practice any religion we choose. To say we cannot speak what we believe just because we are at war is against everything we are about.

There are thousands of us who agree with you. We are fighting with our minds, with our mouths and with our pens to erradicate this shame that has befallen us. We too do not think our leaders are capable of making intelligent decisions in this conflict, or in our best interest. We do not blame you for hating our leaders. All we ask is that you give the American people the benefit of the doubt. We did not do this. The people in charge are here because of an illegal act perpetrated by the person now in charge. We tried to stop this and are now still trying. If we can prove wrongdoing, we can impeach these people. They do not voice the desires of the majority. Please forgive us for our shortcomings. We are learning and will do better in the future. Compared to most civilizations, ours is still very young. We are apparently still fine tuning it.

We would appreciate any help you can give us in this area. We are being held hostage in a political coup. As our leaders are so fond of saying about other countries, we need a regime change. As witnessed by the atrosities of the regime of Saddam Hussein and others, no good comes from a country run by one party. I fear my beloved country has fallen prey to this same scenario. If the fight comes to our shores, it will be from within. We will fight our own government for our freedom. Feel free to help. We the many need all the help we can get.

The Outraged Patriot

Posted by cdedwards at April 4, 2003 05:19 PM
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