February 23, 2003


I realize some of you think I'm rehashing a past we cannot change. Some of you may think this has no relevence to what is happening in 2003. On the contrary! We need constant reminders of what happened in the Farce of 2000. It is the sole reason we are where we are today. Living in fear? On the verge of Economic Collapse? Ringin' any bells out there? WAKE UP AMERICA! I can't SCREAM any louder. Something is destroying our country, and it sleeps at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. We've been "Bush" whacked! And, lemmings that we appear to be are following this monster right off a cliff!

We need to probe into the election fraud that went on in Florida in 2000 and before.

Florida State Law says very clearly that overseas absentee ballots must be cast and signed ON OR BEFORE election day, and postmarked and mailed from ANOTHER COUNTRY BY election day. Please keep this in mind while reading the following statistics:

* 344 ballots had no evidence that they were cast on or before Election Day.

* 183 ballots were postmarked in the United States.

* 96 ballots lacked appropriate witness information.

* 196 ballots came from unregistered voters, had envelopes that weren't signed properly, or came from people who hadn't requested a ballot.

* 5 ballots came after the November 17, 2000 deadline for receipt.

* 19 overseas voters cast two separate ballots - AND HAD BOTH COUNTED!

All of these violated Florida State Election Law. All of these were counted! All of this is documented. All the evidence sitting in Tallahassee, clearly marked. All done with malice to throw the election to Bush.

Bush "won" Florida by 537 votes. The above infractions totaled 843 illegal votes that should never have been counted. By my calculations, Al Gore won Florida by at least 266 votes. If all the people removed from the voting rolls illegally had had the chance to cast their ballots (overwhelmingly blacks and Hispanics), Gore would have won by a landslide. Obviously, Jeb has no control over the minds of his constituants, Thank God. And obviously he and George appear to be blatant biggots. So, they controlled the election the only way they knew how. By lieing, cheating, and stealing the vote. Talk about "Rockin' the Vote"! They shook it to it's very foundation! We need to wake up and stop this crap.

Why do you think all this stuff is happening to us? Because God is PISSED! He has opened a severe can of whoopass, and HE OPENED IT ON US! I don't want to see the Wrath of God up close and personal, do you? I'm going to say one thing. 9-11-01. That, my friends is what the Wrath of God looks like. I don't want that raining down on me, do you? Would you like 110 stories of rubble coming down on you? Would you want to become an instant crispy critter in a fireball and live to tell about it?

To coin a phrase from Susan Powter, "STOP THE MADNESS". This has nothing to do with weight loss and everything to do with loss of innocence and loss of respect in the Global Community. We are officially the biggest bully on the block. NOBODY LIKES A BULLY! It's comforting to know we can beat anybody in a war. We DO NOT need to go to war to prove it! Antagonism and Aggression DO NOT look good on us.

A hate to break it to you America, but, welcome to the "Un-united Dictatorship of America". We are officially Nazi Germany of the 1930's and 1940's, and George W. Bush is the reincarnation of Adolph Hitler. The Neo-Nazi's won and all they had to do is vote for George W. Bush.

Did anyone notice that the stock market didn't start to disintegrate until they started counting those infamous votes? America is run on Big Business, and the Barons of Industry were scared to death of this man, and rightfully so concidering the condition of our current economy. You'd think we woulda taken the hint wouldn't cha? He has not got the best track record where commerce is concerned. It's a good thing he has Daddy's money to fall back on, because every business he touches turns to red. Not gold, but red, as in ink. He has failed at everything he ever did. He definately does not have the "Midas Touch". More like the "Kiss of Death". You may gather I dislike George W. Bush. I cannot find words strong enough to explain how I don't like him. I don't think they exist.

I do not want to see him harmed. He would only become a Martyr to the blind mice who still believe his lies. And too, Dick Cheyney would be a frightening replacement. I just want to see him scurrying back to Texas with his tail tucked between his legs, in the disgrace and shame he deserves. Why, you may ask? So the rest of the world sees there is still Justice and Liberty for all in America.

AFTERTHOUGHT: A Capitalist Dictatorship. There's an Oxi-moron if ever I saw one!

Posted by cdedwards at 04:26 PM | Comments (934)

February 19, 2003

What the Hell is Wrong With You People?

234 million Americans voted for Al Gore on November 7, 2000. 539,898 more than for George W. Bush. Yet, Bush is in the White House and Al Gore is too gun shy to try again. There is a thief in the White House. George W. Bush - Thief and Chief. Our "Resident". Does it not bother you that the man is trespassing on federal land? He doesn't belong there. We didn't put him there, the Supreme Court did. They should just shut down the Supreme Court and turn it into an Alzhiemers Home. After all, it already has nine patients now!

A coup took place in the United States in the Autumn of 2000. We all saw it. We watched it played out in vivid detail, in living color for a month on the 6:00 news. We watched as the ballots we recounted and recounted again. We watched as there was appeal after appeal after counter appeal. We all watched as a spoiled rich boy from Texas who was probably never chastised a day in his life by mommy, threw tantrums and pouted on national television about how unfair the election was. We watched as he totally rewrote the book on how to win a Presidential Election. We watched as he took our system of elections and ripped it to shreds just as surely as if he was ripping the flag I hold so dear. We watched - - - and did nothing.

Have we as individuals and as a nation become so complacent that we are willing to allow a small group of elitists to strip us of our fundamental liberities? What ever happened to - - - "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness"?

For that matter, what ever happened to - - - "Government of the people, by the people, and for the people"? It doesn't say anywhere - - - Government of George W. Bush, by George W. Bush, and for George W. Bush. Trust me, I've looked! But that, my fellow Americans, is exactly what we have. Not one of us has suggested we blow our economy to hell. George made that decision. Not one of us has suppested we blow Iraq to hell. Again, that was George's decision. It suddenly occurs to me George W. Bush reminds me very strongly of Rupert T. Justice's so in "Smokey and the Bandit"!

When will we quit giving these whiney maggots what they want just to shut them up? I don't even do that with my children!

In the summer of 1999 Katherine Harris was both co-chairperson of George W. Bush's Presidential campaign AND the Florida Secretary of State in charge of Elections. Anybody see a conflict of interest here? Can you see a plan forming? How about a conspiracy? Her is where the nightmare that is our country today began. Here is where the fiasco of 2000 started. Here is where we lost control of our own destiny, maybe forever. More than a year before election day!

In the summer of 1999 Kat paid $4 million to Database Technologies for a "review" of the Florida Voter Registration List to remove anyone "suspected" of being a former felon. This was done with Jeb Bush's blessing. That"s correct. The Governor of Florida, who happens? to be George W. Bush's brother gives George's campaign co-chairperson authorization to take people off the Voter Registration List because, gee, we're not quite sure, but, they MAY have been convicted of a felony sometime in the past. The last time I checked, our legal system was based on a presumption of innocence!

By the way Jeb's own wife was caught trying to smuggle $19,000 worth of jewelry into the country without declaring or paying taxes on it. I'm not a math major, okay, maybe I was, but, it doesn't take one to figure out that if she could afford to spend that much on jewelry overseas, then she bloody well could afford to pay the tax on it when she got back! And speaking of felons. The act of trying to enter the county without paying tax on what you purchased abroad is a felony on the Federal scale. OOPS! But, never fear. She wasn't charged or tried, let alone convicted of the crime. I have learned recently there are apparently a set of laws for the rich and and set of laws for the rest of us, and the rich don't have to abide by our laws. Welcome to double standard 101. Please take your seats.

I cannot imagine how George serior and Babs could be so PROUD of this den of thieves.

Florida State law says ex-felons cannot vote. Unfortunately, that means 31% of all BLACK men in Florida are prohibited from voting because of a felony on their record. Black Floridians, overwhelmingly, are registered Democrats. 90% of them voted for Al Gore on November 7, 2000. At least, 90% of those who were allowed to vote, that is.

Through blatant fraud the State of Florida, Bush, Harris, and company removed thousands of kBlack and Hispanic felons from the rolls. Not only this, but , they also removed the names of thousands of Black citizens who had never committed a crime in their lives, along with thousands fof eligible voters who had only committed misdemeanors. That's a mighty wide net they cast. It kind of reminds you of catching dolphins and porpouses in the tuna nets.

This wasn't enough for Kate Harris. She instructed Database to also use a list obtained from another State of felons who had since moved to Florida. This list contained names of people who had done their time and had their voting privileges reinstated. And others who had committed crimes such as parking violations and littering. The State that supplied the list? DRUM ROLL PLEASE! TEXAS!!! Imagine that! D'ya think ol' George ol' buddie ol' pal knew about all this? D'ya think? After all, he was still the Governor of Texas while he ran his "impeccibly honest" campaign.

This all went on under the ever watchful eye of the American media. Did you hear any of this on the news? I didn't, and I watch the news every day. Not a peep. Where were all the minions of the First Amendment? Where the hell were all the wanna be Woodwards and Berstiens? Please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but, wasn't it shit like this that got Nixon impeached and removed from office? And he was a GOOD president! Yet, today, no one even reports it! WHAT THE HELL! Have we become so corrupt?

It took the BBC, that's right, the BRITISH Broadcasting System to ferret this story out. And the American Press virtually ignored it. The Los Angeles Times and the Washington Post eventually picked it up, but buried it so far into the paper that nobody could find it, let alone read it. In the Nixon era this would have been Front Page news! Am I the oldest living person on the face of the planet? Does no one else remember any of this? WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE?

We should never become so jaded that this sort of thing doesn't OUTRAGE us anymore!

Posted by cdedwards at 12:05 AM | Comments (1821)

February 14, 2003

It's amazing I won!

"It's amazing I won. I was running against peace, prosperity, and incumbency."

George W. Bush - June 14, 2001 - speaking to Swedish Prime Minister Goran Perrson, unaware that a live television camera was still rolling.

"It's a shame we don't live in a dictatorship."

George W. Bush - Late November early December 2000 -Speaking off the cuff to the press while waiting for the ballots to be re-counted.

There is an interloper in the White House! We did not elect this man. The vote count says more Americans voted for Al Gore than George Bush. So, how did he get there?

There is a sentence in the book "Stupid White Men" by Michael Moore, that states: "Your services as a citizen, we regret to inform you, are no longer needed."

The 2000 "selection" proved that point. We all went to the polls and voted our conscience. The numbers came in, and "Dubya" says, "this can't be right, I'm not winning! Somebody call Jeb and see if he can't get somebody fired up over those ballots down there. Sure enough they got fired up and the recount began.

Is it just me or does anyone else see absolutely no use for an "Electoral College"? And does anyone ever graduate for it? The Electoral College was designed at a time when we did not have instant transmission of information form one side of the country to the other. Today it is all computerized. They can know who the people voted for in a matter of hours. Before, the states had to gather the votes from the communities, tally them, then send the results with their member of the "College" to Washington to cast the votes for the majority from their states. This system is archaic at best. It's time to change things. Unfortunately, the changes I see coming do not look good at all.

We have and uneducated (he may have gone to Ivy League schools, but he didn't learn much) ignorant (I mean rude) egomaniac in the White House. Little by little he is taking away every Constitutional right we have in the name of homeland security. He is usurping more and more power from Congress, and they are letting him. We have a system of checks and balances in this country for a reason. As of this date the scales are decidedly heavy on the Administative side. Where will this end? And do we really want to know? Personally, I think it's time to stop this madness before we do find out!

We impeached a perfectly good President for what he did in his spare time. Which had nothing to do with running the country. Yet we sit back and do nothing while this imposter trys his damnedest to get us all killed! I think that being blown up is a little more serious offense than Clinton's latest blow job!

When the bombs start falling we'll be on the surface. "Dubya" will be in a bunker somewhere thanking God he saved his own ass. But the joke will be on him. We will go quickly and relatively painlessly. He, on the other hand, will be stuck in a sunless enclosure where, eventually the breathable air will run out, the food supply will dwindle, and they can't get any more drinkable water. He'll slowly and excrutiatingly die a painful death of malnutrition and dehydration. Of course, he may acquire dimensia from oxygen deprivation and not realize the pain he's in. If he's lucky, he'll go first, before having to watch his wife and daughters go one by one before his eyes.

George W. Bush is NOT leading us into a new era of peace and prosperity. He is leading us into Armageddon! The sooner we all see this the better chance of stopping it before it happens.

Posted by cdedwards at 10:21 PM | Comments (863)