Resources for VJs and Digital Media Artists

Deviant Art- The most talented and diverse community of visual artists on the Net.

Arkaos VJ software- The preferred video mixing software of Mindblowing Visuals

VJ Forums- Get your visual questions answered here

VJ Central- VJ community news

Video Copilot- Excellent Tutorials! - VJ Blog

AntiVJ - VJ Blog

Create Digital Motion - Visual Tech Blog

The Internet Archive- Public Domain Media

Electric Sheep, Apophysis- Fractal Flames

VJ Purchase high quality video loop packs

VJ Kung Fu - VJing techniques, gear, tutorials

VJ Vault- Free VJ clip site

VJing and Video Art Channels @ Vimeo

Psychedelic Soda


VJs Unite

Jitter Visuals


Videomix, VJing