March 28, 2003

With Liberty and Justice For All

I pledge allegience to the flag of the United States of America
and to the Republic for which it stands
One nation, under God, indivisible
with liberty and justice for all.

Our Oh so sacred pledge of allegience.

Yes, I'm back. I would like to apologize for my absence recently. I know in these days of turmoil a clear voice needs to be heard. I must admit, I have been struck dumb by the bizare nature on this "war". I cannot fathom why we need to see what is happening in Iraq 24 hours a day. It desensatizes you to the horror of it. I found myself watching the bombing of Bagdad one day and was fascinated by the cloud a bomb had left behind and the paper falling from it like confetti in a ticker tape parade. I could not believe my own ability to detach myself from this scene and analize it so technically. I did not and still do not like the fact that I was able to do this. It doesn't feel good. How much more will people who are behind this war be able to do this. And they won't feel bad about it. They probably pop some popcorn and kick their shoes off to watch it. Just like a movie. I have heard people state that they feel very surreal watching it. I have had chest pains just listening to it. My anxiety level is extremely high over this. I turn the TV off and play Mario Party with my kids. It's much more fun, and no one gets killed.

As you noticed, I began with the pledge of allegience. Let's break that down a little. Why would we pledge ourselves to a piece of cloth to begin with. It has no DNA, it does not bleed, it has no feelings. I know it is supposed to be a symbol of our freedom. But, as we no longer have any freedoms (please refer to the PATRIOT ACT), it doesn't matter much anymore does it.

And as for the Republic for which it stands. That too has gone to hell in a hand basket while we all slept. Some of us tried to stem the tide of this particular change, but the overwhelming apathy of both the electorate and the elected was too much for us. We could not stay the course. Those who did not care outnumbered those of us who did. Don't take offense. This is a sad but true fact. Those of us who vote are supporting those of you who don't. So, if you are dissatisfied with the government, TOUGH! This situation is of your own making because you chose to do nothing when you could have changed the outcome.

We are no longer a nation, we are 50 small states, forced to fend for ourselves, yet required to pay homage to a government that does nothing for us, but everything to line there own pockets. We have a leader who has striped us of our budget surplus and drove us into the depths of the largest deficit in our history as a country. You do realize we will eventually have to pay it back. Where do you thinik that money will come from? Out of your paycheck and mine. I can predict how it will come down. After this nightmare Republican regime is ousted, the Democrats who get stuck with this mess will have no choice but to raise taxes. Then when the next election comes around the Republicans will use the tax increases to bludgeon the Democrats back into submission. The only way this stops is for people to remember why we needed the tax increases in the first place. Because the Republicans are notorious for spending money we don't have and leaving the Democrats to clean up the mess.
I say have the guts to clean up after yourselves. You are adults after all. Start acting like it and take responsibility for your faults.

Under God? I don't think he likes us much right now, do you? You can't blame Him can you? I surely don't blame Him. People are messy. People in power should just walk around all the time with a bib on and broom sticking out of their asses! That way they don't have to break a sweat when they clean up there messes.

I can't think of a nation more divided right now. The hawks are circling the White House. Can the Vultures be far behind? What is it that makes men want to kill each other? I just don't understand. If Dubya wants a war that badly, why don't he and his cronies pick up guns and go fight themselves. And leave our young men and women alone. In the Viet Nam era, he joined a force that would keep him at home and even then he went awol twice and nothing was done to him. It all in who ya know, you can't tell me it's not. Any regular schmo would have landed in levenworth. He didn't even get a slap on the wrist. How can the soldiers of today feel good about being sent to die when he sidestepped it himself before. How can they be expected to obey his orders when he disobeyed the orders of his superiors. He is not a glowing example to say the least. I could not and would not be proud to fight for him. Nor would I be proud of any country that elected such a man to the highest political office attainable.

We have no liberty, referrence the afore mentioned PATRIOT ACT. This act snuck through congress when we were still all paranoid over 9-11. Just three weeks after the incident. There was not nearly enough lag time to think clearly. Half the congressmen never even read the whole thing before voting fore it. I was always told to read the fine print before signing anything. This also ties into the justice for all part as well. Do you realize the PATRIOT ACT enables the government to search your premises and download your harddrive without a warrant? Also it allows the FBI, CIA and meriad other government agencies to arrest you, completely wipe out any record of your existence, and hold you captive for two years if they think you are involved in an act of terrorism. They just have to think it, they don't have to prove it. They will lock you in a cell and hold you without due process for two years. And according to this ACT it is completely legal. This has totally anialated half the ammendments to the constitution. So much for freedom or justice.

And here's another thing. What is the last line of the Star Spangled Banner? Land of the free and home of the brave? Free. Yeah, right. Just last week the government interogated 11,000 (yes that's 1-1-0-0-0) American citizens of Middle Eastern decent. People who were brought here to get away from the tyrany in the Middle East decades ago by their parents. People who were BORN here! Muslims all. But this is not a holy crusade. Billy Graham's own son, who is also a minister and should know better, stated that Islam is evil! I liked Billy Graham, but if this is how he raised his son, I won't subscribe to his brand of Christianity! What ever happened to Christian tolerance? What ever happened to turning the other cheek? And interogating your own citizens? What's next? Internment camps like they did to the Japanese-Americans in World War II? Have we not learned a damn thing in the last 60 years? Stop all this bullshit will ya! Since when are our citizens guilty until proven innocent? This is not the America I know and love. I WANT IT BACK! I CAN'T STAND WHAT YOU HAVE DONE TO MY BELOVED HOMELAND, GEORGE! WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE TO DESTROY EVERYTHING THIS COUNTRY WAS BUILT ON.

Originally, people came to these shores to practice the religion of their choosing without political intervention. That's what this country is supposed to be about. Now our government tells us not to persecute the Muslims in this country, then they proceed to round up 11,000 of them and interogate them for terrorism ties. George, isn't this a little bit hypocritical? NO, IT'S A LOT HYPOCRITICAL! I am ashamed of my own country and I thought that would never happen. I don't know why I thought that though. I remember one fourth of July my mom hung a Nazi flag on our house with a sign across it that said "it could happen here!" I'm just glad she died before she witnessed it. It would have killed her.
Looking at this story, I realize how I got to be such a radical. One of the best trates my mother gave me. GOD SAVE AMERICA!

Posted by cdedwards at March 28, 2003 06:28 PM
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